Engines OHC and V6 2,8 дм3 |
1. To remove a wire of weight from the accumulator. |
2. On engines V6 to uncover connections of a throttle which fastens three screws. |
3. To remove a highway connecting a measuring instrument of a stream of air with the inlet pipeline. |
4. On engines ONS to uncover the distributor and to place it aside. If necessary to remove high-voltage wires. |
5. To remove a socket from the valve of turns of idling, the gauge of position throttle заслонки and the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid. |
6. On engines V6 to disconnect a cable of a throttle from скобы a regulator of fuel pressure. |
7. Slowly to disconnect vacuum and fuel tubes from a regulator of fuel pressure and connection of giving of fuel from a fuel highway. |
8. To remove the chamber of superfluous pressure and the throttle case. |
9. To disconnect wires of fuel atomizers. |
10. To unscrew a fuel arm and to remove it together with fuel atomizers. |
11. Sealing rings and keeping clips on all fuel atomizers are subject to replacement even if only one fuel atomizer is necessary for taking out from a highway. The bottom sealing ring is established between thick and thin washers on the atomizer end. |
12. Installation is made in sequence, return to removal. Sealing rings to grease with silicone greasing Ford-ESEM 1С171А. To check up the maintenance WITH. |
Engines DOHC |
13. To remove a wire of weight from the accumulator. |
14. For access improvement to remove a socket from the gauge of temperature of arriving air, a wire of a high voltage and a cable of an accelerator or to move them aside. |
15. Slowly to weaken connection of giving of fuel to a highway for pressure removal in fuel system and to disconnect a hose. |
16. To remove a returnable fuel hose (it is specified by an arrow) from a highway. |
17. To remove a vacuum tube from the top part of a regulator of pressure. |
18. To remove sockets from fuel atomizers and the temperature gauge. |
19. To unscrew two bolts of fastening and to remove a fuel highway. |
20. To take fuel atomizers from a head of the block of cylinders. |
21. Sealing rings and keeping clips on all fuel atomizers are subject to replacement even if only one fuel atomizer is necessary for taking out from a highway. The bottom sealing ring is established between thick and thin washers on the atomizer end. |
22. Installation is made in sequence, return to removal. Sealing rings to grease with silicone greasing Ford-ESEM 1С171А. To check up the maintenance WITH. |
Engines V6, 2,4 and 2,9 дм3 |
23. To remove a wire of weight from the accumulator. |
24. To remove a highway connecting a measuring instrument of a stream of air with the inlet pipeline. |
25. To disconnect the lever of communication from the case of a throttle and to unscrew 2 bolts of fastening скобы a throttle cable. |
26. To disconnect from the throttle case vacuum tubes, the ventilation valve картера and a regulator of pressure of fuel. |
27. To disconnect sockets from the gauge of position throttle заслонки, gauges of temperature of the engine and a cooling liquid and the valve of management of idling turns. |
28. To unscrew 6 bolts of "Togh", which крепят воздухозаборную the chamber. |
29. Slowly to weaken connection of giving of fuel of a fuel distributive highway, to remove pressure in fuel system. |
30. To disconnect a tube of giving of fuel of a fuel highway and a tube of return of fuel. |
31. To unscrew bolts of fastening of a fuel highway and to remove a highway. |
32. To remove fixing clips and to take from a highway fuel atomizers. |
33. Sealing rings and keeping clips on all fuel atomizers are subject to replacement even if only one fuel atomizer is necessary for taking out from a highway. The bottom sealing ring is established between thick and thin washers on the atomizer end. |
34. Installation is made in sequence, return to removal. Sealing rings to grease with silicone greasing Ford - ESEM 1С171А. To check up the maintenance WITH. |
35. On engines with a regulator of pressure of fuel of early release if it is necessary to connect to a highway a new entrance fuel tube. The new connector is delivered with a control fascinating ring and allows to keep a connector teeth taken away. When two halves of a connector are compressed together, the ring jumps out that testifies that connection has passed successfully. |
36. To include 5 times ignition, not including an engine starter, to lift pressure in fuel system. |