1. To merge engine oil from the engine and to take the index of level of oil. |
2. To unscrew the oil filter. |
3. To unscrew bolts of fastening of the case of a press disk of coupling to a flywheel and to remove it. |
4. To remove a flywheel. |
5. To remove a belt of a drive of the generator. |
6. To unscrew a long bottom bolt of fastening of the generator, then the top bolt and to remove the generator. |
7. To unscrew the central bolt of fastening of the mechanism of a tension приводного a belt and to remove the tension mechanism. |
8. To uncover heads of the block of cylinders. |
9. To remove the ignition distributor. |
10. To remove the top cover газораспределительного the mechanism. |
11. To turn a cranked shaft in a direction of working rotation before installation in the top dead point in a step of compression of the piston of the cylinder 1. |
12. To weaken a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft. For an exception проворачивания a cranked shaft at pulley unscrewing it is necessary to fix a flywheel for teeths of a gear wreath. |
13. Partially to unscrew a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft, and using a stripper, to remove a pulley. Stripper captures should rest against a metal part of a pulley. |
14. To unscrew the central bolt of fastening of the mechanism of a tension приводного a belt and to remove the tension mechanism. |
15. To unscrew 11 bolts of fastening and to remove the bottom cover газораспределительного the mechanism. To remove rubber consolidation. |
16. To unscrew a bolt and to remove натяжитель chains of a drive of the oil pump. |
17. To unscrew a bolt of fastening of an asterisk on the oil pump and to remove an asterisk together with a chain. |
18. To remove top успокоитель chains. |
19. To unscrew two bolts of fastening bottom успокоителя chains and to take it upwards. |
20. To remove a lock ring from a lever axis натяжителя chains газораспределительного the mechanism and to remove the lever натяжителя. |
21. To remove a lever axis натяжителя chains газораспределительного the mechanism, using bolt М6х70 and the plug. |
22. To mark asterisks of camshafts and to remove them. |
23. To remove an asterisk and segment шпонку from a cranked shaft. |
24. To take a chain газораспределительного the mechanism upwards.
The prevention In order to avoid impact of pistons and valves at the removed chain газораспределительного the mechanism not to turn a cranked shaft of the engine.
25. To remove натяжитель chains. |
26. To remove a hydraulic pusher натяжителя chains. |
27. To unscrew nuts and to remove covers of fastening of camshafts together with the pipeline of giving of oil. Covers of camshafts are marked for the further repeated installation on the places. In the absence of marks, before removal of covers they are necessary for marking. |
28. To take camshafts from a head of the block of cylinders. On distributive to a shaft, operating the label of green colour is available final valves. In the absence of a label to mark camshafts. |
29. To remove hydraulic pushers of valves and to place them in corresponding containers with oil for the further repeated installation on the places. |
30. Gradually and consistently to unscrew 13 bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders in sequence, return to a tightening.
The prevention The reuse of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders is not recommended.
31. To remove a head of the block of cylinders and to establish it on two wooden брусках in order to avoid damage of valves. |
32. To remove a lining of a head of the block of cylinders and directing plugs. |
33. To unscrew 4 bolts and to take from the block of cylinders the oil pump. |
34. To remove the gauge of pressure of oil and the gauge of position of a cranked shaft. |
35. To unscrew bolts and nuts of fastening oil картера and to remove it. |
36. To turn the engine. |
37. To remove a pipe маслозаборника and маслоотражатель. |
38. To remove a back cover of a cranked shaft with a sealing ring. |
39. To check up marks presence on covers radical and шатунных bearings of a cranked shaft. In case of their absence it is necessary to designate bearings with the help кернера or an indelible pencil. |
40. To unscrew bolts of rods, to remove their covers, to take шатунные loose leaves and to take pistons together with rods from cylinders. |
41. To unscrew bolts of covers of radical bearings, to remove covers of radical bearings and to take loose leaves. |
42. To take from the block of cylinders a cranked shaft. |
43. To take persistent half rings of a cranked shaft. |